Applications and solutions
Based on extensive experience, we offer complete solutions in automation, whether it be parts or turnkey applications
Case studies


Automatizare silozuri de cereale

Sorry! English version not available, yet! Tema aplicatiei Actionarea elementelor de executie (benzi sau snecuri transportoare, elevatoare, deviatoare, ventilatoare, snecuri… >>

Sistem SCADA - Automatizare si monitorizare sillozuri de cereala

Tema aplicatiei Realizarea unui sistem de automatizare si monitorizare a fluxurilor unei instalatii de silozuri. Cerinte beneficiar S-a solicitat proiectarea… >>

Smart underground refuse-station

The Netherlands based Orlaco Vision has developed a fully electronically-controlled station for the underground storage of household refuse with the… >>

Conveyor control with frequency inverters

Sorry, English version unavailable yet! Tema aplicatiei Controlul vitezei benzilor transportoare dintr-un cuptor de fabricat paine, tip tunel. Cerinte beneficiar… >>
